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Peter & John heals the crippled man

Participants:Crippled man, Helper 1, Helper 2, Man 1, Man 2, Peter & John

(two men carries the crippled man and place him near the temple gate)

Helper-1: Crippled Man, you sit here in front of the temple.

Helper-2: Yes, it is prayer time; you will have a good collection today.

Helper-1: Anyhow, give us something for a snack

Crippled Man: I have nothing in my hand.

Helper-2: what about yesterday’s collection?

Crippled Man: yesterday’s? I didn’t get a penny out of that. All had gone to the party fund.

Helper-1: give us something, at least for a Katttan Kappy,

Crippled Man: Are you begging to a beggar! (Gives a coin to him and takes out a handkerchief from his bag and spreads on the ground)

Helper-1: why not, we should get our wages

Helper-2: you are earning so much from this temple gate. If you don’t give us our share, we will never bring you here.

Crippled Man: OK OK, let me get something.

Helper-1: we will come back after sometime. Keep our share ready.

Helper-2: come on, let’s go.

(helpers go out. People going to the temple pass by)

Crippled Man: Alms, alms please! Please help this crippled man!

(Man-1 throws a coin into the handkerchief.)

Crippled Man: thank you, “blessed are the Merciful, for they will be shown Mercy” - alms please!

Man-1: o you are still here! You were not healed in the last healing convention?

Crippled Man: sir, I went there and tried to enter into the stage. But I fell down and broke my other leg also. Now I am a complete crippled man. Alms please!

Man-1: but why did you climb on the stage?

Crippled Man: they wanted me to say testimony in front of others that I am healed.

Man-1: you greedy! (throws a coin in to the handkerchief)

Crippled Man: Sir, put something good! You know the petrol prices are going high every day.
(Man-2 comes in) Hello sir, alms please!

Man-2: man, can’t you shut your chatterbox?

Crippled Man: how will I get something if I keep quiet? Haven’t you heard the Bible verse “ask and it shall be given to you?”

Man-2: O, you are quoting Bible verses! The second part of the verse is, “seek and you shall find” why can’t you seek a better job and stop this begging!

Crippled Man : Sir, I have a special verse for you. “Give and it will be given to you” it is a give and take policy.

Man-2 : Smart guy! You are a professional beggar; you must work as an LIC agent. (gives some money & walks away)

Crippled Man: Alms please! Hi, can’t you see this invalid man!

(Peter and John enters, stops in front of the Crippled Man)

Crippled Man: drop in some coins please!

(Peter and John looks at him)

John: Peter, this man is invalid.

Peter: Yes, we must do something for the glory of our God

Crippled Man: what are you guys gossiping about me! Drop something and give way.

Peter: My mind urges me to heal this man.

John: Then do it fast.

Peter: Crippled Man, look here!

Crippled Man: What is so special about you? Are you from the police department?

John: man, I am telling – YOU LOOK HERE!

Crippled Man: Why are you blocking my sight? It is prayer time for the people and peak time for me! Alms please! Alms please!

Peter: Look, I do not have Silver or Gold!

Crippled Man: silver or gold, I didn’t ask you either, put some coins & move! You’ll be late for the prayer.

John: what he meant is money, we don’t have any money with us.

Crippled Man: then what do you have, Credit card?

Peter: We will give you something better than money.

Crippled Man: what is that man, at least give me a clue!

Peter: we are going to heal you! (Trying to hold his hand)

Crippled Man: Hey, don’t touch my hand! I have only my hands left to beg.

(Helper-1 & Helper-2 comes in)

Helper-1: Hay man, where are you taking him?

Peter: We are not taking him anywhere.

John: listen; we are apostles of Jesus Christ, we are going to heal him.

Helper-2: Apostles of Jesus Christ! Can you really heal him?

Helper-1: Please don’t do it. If he is healed not body will give him any money.

Peter: It is better to give than to take. Isn’t it?

Helper-2: but then who will give us money?

John: Today God’s name will be glorified here!

Peter: (helping him to stand) IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, YOU WALK!

Crippled Man (walks slowly) I, I am healed! I am healed! (Begins to jump)

John: How do you feel now?

Crippled Man: Sir, I can’t believe this! I am no more a crippled man!

Peter: Come on let’s walk to the temple.

(every one moves to the temple court. Man-1 & Man-2 also joins. Helpers grab the money)

Man-2: Isn’t he the lame man who used to sit at the temple door? How come he walks?

Man-1: I don’t know. This is very strange!

Helper-1: (pointing to Peter) I saw this man healing him.

Man-2: Healing a lame man! Great!

Peter: Men, why are you staring at us as if we have healed this man? It is God who has healed this man.

Crippled Man: Yes- yes, it was my luck that God sent these people here.

Peter: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his son Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate. And you killed the author of life. But God raised him from the dead. It is Jesus' name and the faith in him that has given this man complete healing. Now brothers & sisters, do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to save us?

Man-1: Yes sir, I believe in Jesus Christ.

Helper-1: I also believe in Christ

Helper-2 : I also believe in Jesus Christ

(BGM on)

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
that bids our sorrows cease;
'tis music in the sinner's ears,
'tis life, and health, and peace.

Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb,
your loosened tongues employ;
ye blind, behold your savior come,
and leap, ye lame, for joy.

O for a thousand tongues to sing
my great Redeemer's praise,
the glories of my God and King,
the triumphs of his grace!

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